Recent and Upcoming:
37 Words, (ESPN, Hulu - 2022), directed by Dawn Porter and Nicole Newnham. Four-part documentary series that looks at the history of and current challenges to Title IX legislation. Nominated for a Documentary Research Emmy.
Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project (HBO - 2023), directed by Joe Brewster and Michele Stephenson. Feature doc about the life and work of poet Nikki Giovanni. Sundance premiere - winner Grand Jury Prize.
Revolution on Canvas (HBO - 2023), directed by Sara Nodjoumi and Till Schauder. Feature doc that delves into the mystery surrounding the disappearance of more than 100 "treasonous" paintings by the director’s father, Iranian artist Nickzad Nodjoumi. Tribeca Film Festival premiere.
Chowchilla (CNN Films - 2023), directed by Paul Solet. Tells the story of the long-term impact of the 1976 Chowchilla kidnappings on the children who were taken, their families and a small California community.
Carol Doda Topless at the Condor, (2023) directed by Jonathan Parker. Feature length documentary set in San Francisco in 1964 when Carol Doda became the first dancer to go topless. Premiered at Telluride Film festival.
Modernism, Inc. (2023), by director Jason Cohn. NEH-funded, feature doc tells the story of Eliot Noyes, the iconic mid-century architect and designer who built the design programs for some of America’s most powerful postwar corporations. Premiered at the Architecture + Design Film Festival, NYC.
American Historia (PBS, Latino Public Broadcasting - 2024), directed by Ben DeJesus. Three-part series follows John Leguizamo on a journey to uncover the history and often overlooked contributions of Latino people.
Rabbi, (2024) directed by Sandi DuBowski. Feature doc follows 13 years in the dramatic life of Amichai Lau-Lavie, a 21st century rabbi who has achieved renown in showing how religion, when radically reinvented for the modern world, can be a powerful force for human rights and global tolerance.